【预售】Audio Production and Postproduction
预订 The Guide to Managing Postproduction for Film, TV, and Digital Distribution: Managing the Process 电影、电视与数字
预订 Location and Postproduction Sound for Low-Budget Filmmakers 独立电影制作人的位置与后期制作声音: 9780367354244
【预售】High Definition Postproduction: Editing and Del
【预售】Guide to Postproduction for TV and Film: Managing
【预售】Art, Media Design, and Postproduction
【预售】3D Postproduction: Stereoscopic Workflows and Tec
【预售】Audio Postproduction for Film and Video [With CD]
海外直订Audio Postproduction for Film and Video: After-The-Shoot Solutions, Professional 电影和视频的音频后期制作:
海外直订Art, Media Design, and Postproduction: Open Guidelines on Appropriation and Remi 艺术,媒体设计和后期制作:
海外直订3D Postproduction: Stereoscopic Workflows and Techniques 3D后期制作:立体工作流程和技术
【预售】Modern Post: Postproduction Workflows and Techniq
海外直订The Guide to Managing Postproduction for Film, Tv, and Digital Distribution: Man 电影、电视和数字发行后期制
预订 Fix It In Post: Solutions for Postproduction Problems 后期制作问题解决方案: 9781138459793
预订 High Definition Postproduction: Editing and Delivering HD Video 高清晰度后期制作:编辑和提供高清视频: 9781138459823
预订 Audio Postproduction for Film and Video: After-the-Shoot solutions, Professional Techniques,and Cookbook Recipes to
海外直订Location and Postproduction Sound for Low-Budget Filmmakers 低成本电影制作人的位置和后期制作声音
海外直订Fine Art Portrait Photography: Lighting, Posing & Postproduction from Concept to 美术肖像摄影:从概念到完成
海外直订Location and Postproduction Sound for Low-Budget Filmmakers 低预算电影制作人的定位和后期制作声音
海外直订Photographing Architecture: Lighting, Composition, Postproduction and Marketing 建筑摄影:照明,构图,后期
预订 Location and Postproduction Sound for Low-Budget Filmmakers 独立电影制作人的位置与后期制作声音: 9780367354251
【4周达】Art, Media Design, and Postproduction: Open Guidelines on Appropriation and Remix [9781138211339]
【4周达】The Guide to Managing Postproduction for Film, TV, and Digital Distribution : Managing the P... [9781138482777]
预订 The Guide to Managing Postproduction for Film, TV, and Digital Distribution : Managing the Process [9781138482814]
【4周达】Location and Postproduction Sound for Low-Budget Filmmakers [9780367354251]
预订 High Definition Postproduction: Editing and Delivering HD Video [9780240808390]
【4周达】Location and Postproduction Sound for Low-Budget Filmmakers [9780367354244]
【4周达】High Definition Postproduction: Editing and Delivering HD Video [9781138459823]
预订 Audio Postproduction for Film and Video: After-The-Shoot Solutions, Professional Techniques, and... [9780240809717]
【4周达】3D Postproduction: Stereoscopic Workflows and Techniques [9780415810135]
预订 Fix It in Post: Solutions for Postproduction Problems [9780240811246]
【4周达】The Art of Engagement Portraiture: Lighting, Posing and Postproduction for Breathtaking Phot... [9781608957477]
【4周达】Photograph the Face: Lighting, Posing, and Postproduction Techniques for Flawless Portraits [9781608956876]
【4周达】Fix It in Post: Solutions for Postproduction Problems [9781138459793]
【4周达】Art, Media Design, and Postproduction: Open Guidelines on Appropriation and Remix [9781138211322]
【4周达】3D Postproduction: Stereoscopic Workflows and Techniques [9781138426122]
【4周达】Fine Art Portrait Photography: Lighting, Posing & Postproduction from Concept to Completion [9781608957675]
海外直订High Definition Postproduction: Editing and Delivering HD Video 高清后期制作:编辑和交付高清视频
海外直订3D Postproduction 3 d电影后期制作
按需印刷The Guide to Managing Postproduction for Film, TV, and Digital Distribution:Managing the Process[9781138482814]
预订【德语】 APPLE vs. AVID:Einstieg in die AV-Postproduction auf der AppleMacintosh Plattform,